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End of interview questions, finish on a positive note

June 2021

What questions should you ask at the end of an interview?

We have all been there, you have just been through a tough interview and the end is in sight. You are feeling good but then comes the last question…..

Do you have questions you would like to ask us?

You knew the question was coming but still you are caught off guard, what question do I ask, will I look stupid if I don’t ask a question or worse still, what if I ask a stupid question……Help!

Enterprise People are here to help, check out our questions below to finish that interview in style.

We have broken down the questions into 2 sections, role-specific and company-specific.

Ask questions that don’t have a simple yes or no answer and try to limit the number of questions you ask to 3, the interviewers would like to finish up too.

Role Specific end of interview questions:

(1) Can you give me some more information on the day-to-day responsibilities of the role?

(2) Who will I be reporting to? (If not already covered during the interview)

(3) Can tell me some of the challenges associated with the role?

(4) What are the essential qualities the person must have to succeed in the role?

(5) Is there a defined career path for someone in the role?

Company-Specific end of interview questions:

(1) Can you describe the company’s culture?

(2) How would the person in this role contribute to the company’s success?

(3) What qualities will make a person succeed in the company?

(4) What company would be a main competitor?

(5) What makes people stay at this company?

We hope these end of interview questions will help you finish the interview in style. 

Remember, Enterprise People are always here to help you in any way we can. Check out www.enterprisepeople.ie for a range of blogs, articles, top tips and advice.

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